Self-Control: Managing Potential Disruptive Emotions and Impulses

She was the best of workers; he was the worst.  She was the epitome of exceptional customer service; he was the antithesis. Indeed, a book written about these two members of the same Corporate Family® could very well be titled A Tale of Two Employees. Observers to the diametrically different team members summed up the […]


Team Capabilities: Creating Group Synergy in Pursuing Collective Goals

Some people love working on teams, but there are also many individuals who dislike, and even dread, the thought of being part of a group. Maybe you’re one of the latter, or perhaps you are struggling with Corporate Family® members who demonstrate, one way or another, that they aren’t interested in being team players. Decades […]


Initiative: The Readiness to Act on Opportunity

Have you ever heard of Mary Fields—also known as Stagecoach Mary?  If not, you probably aren’t alone.  Yet Mary Fields, like so many people who helped forge the westward expansion of the United States in the 1800s, is an individual who embodies Initiative. Mary Fields was born into slavery in 1832.  Freed after the Civil […]


Political Awareness: Reading a Group’s Emotional Currents and Power Relationships

In politically charged times, many people shy away from discussing anything associated with the word politics.  However, when it comes to the EQ (Emotional Quotient) characteristic of Political Awareness, you don’t need to be worried or wary.  Why?  Because this singular skill can make all the difference when it comes to your performance, promotions, productivity, […]


Change Catalyst: Initiating or Managing Change

At some point in your educational experiences you probably learned about catalysts.  By definition, a catalyst is some type of agent that promotes or speeds up significant change.  In the world of chemistry, catalysts are extremely helpful—but in business, they are surprisingly beneficial too. Lee Iacocca is an excellent example of an individual who became […]


Service Orientation: Anticipating, Recognizing, and Meeting Other’s Needs

Who is your role model when it comes to serving the needs of others?  Do you have anyone on your team who is exemplary in their service to clients and members of your Corporate Family®? If you’re struggling to identify someone, let us introduce you to Lillian. Lillian happens to be the customer service representative […]


Leveraging Diversity: Cultivating Opportunities by Creating Relationships with Diverse People

When George Washington traveled into the Ohio Valley as a young man representing his home colony of Virginia, it’s unlikely that he had identified Leveraging Diversity as a skill he would need in order to accomplish his mission.  Yet, through his interactions with the Native American tribes and local experts on the frontier, Washington not […]


Conscientiousness: Taking Responsibility for Personal Performance

Restaurant Impossible is a reality television show most people can relate to since dining out is not only a favorite pastime but also necessary for many individuals in today’s busy society.  The host of the show, Robert Irvine, and his talented team renovate failing restaurants in an astounding 48-hours—décor, menus, and customer service are totally […]

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Our online EQ metric and 30+ online courses are all designed for your Personal, Team and Executive LEADership. LEADon® provides supplementary research-based resources The Leading Edge: 9 Strategies for Improving Internal and Intentional Leadership and Corporate Family Matters: Creating and Developing Organizational Dynasties. LEADon® also offers numerous blogs, podcasts and white papers on relevant topics for today’s exceptional leaders.

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