Corporate Culture’s Bottom Line Impact
LEADon Podcast 3 BL Impact v1 from LEADon on Vimeo.
In today’s podcast, Drs. Steve and Jared talk about corporate culture’s bottom line impact. If you’ve ever wondered whether or not your corporate culture could really influence productivity and profitability, then you should definitely watch this podcast!
Consider exceptional companies like Apple, Disney and Google—all businesses known for their unique corporate culture. In order to experience success, corporate culture has to be intentionally defined and cascaded throughout the entire organization. Culture isn’t a marketing tactic; instead, it’s the thread that ties a company’s mission, vision, and goals together. Too many Corporate Family® members can’t remember their own organization’s core values—even when they are posted throughout the building! Core values have to be more than wall art if they’re going to impact overall success. Learn about the importance of following your mutually-agreed upon core values with a focus on accountability.
The core elements of culture are values, beliefs and actions. Values are like a line in the sand. They represent principles and standards for which individuals are willing to fight to uphold. Beliefs are the ideals people hold as truths about themselves, each other, and the entire organization. Actions are what you do to back up your values and beliefs, and these outward behaviors are the visible representation of your company’s corporate culture—to clients as well as to competitors.
As you treat your employees, so you will treat your customers. That’s why it is imperative to understand the core elements of culture so you can dramatically improve your corporate culture in the days ahead and positively impact your company’s bottom line.